Project Stats: 45 Acres 580,000 CY of Earth Moved 5,200 LF of Storm Drain 1,625 LF of Sewer Line 4,800 LF of Water Line 2 Bores under Existing Roads 25,000 SF of Retaining Walls Pr
Project Stats: 55 Acres of Clearing 535,793 CY of Earth Moved 12,340 LF of Storm Drain 47,035 SY of Stone Base Project Details: This project was CM At Risk, which resulted in an ex
Project Stats: Phase 1—Pad Ready in 1 week 170 Acres 600,000 CY of Earth Moved 38,000 SY of Stone Base & Asphalt 28,000 LF of Ductile Iron Pipe 27,000 LF of Duct Bank 22,000