HGC Teammate Spotlight: Toby Wiles, Project Manager
Tell us a little about yourself—How did you get started with a career in construction, and what led you to your current role? TW: My family had a paving and grading company my whole life and I grew up working with them … it was kind of all I knew! I went to college and thought […]
HGC Teammate Spotlight: Spencer Thompson, Estimator
In this installment of the HGC Teammate Spotlight, we sat down with one of our Estimators, Spencer Thompson, to learn more about how his team supports our clients and keeps our projects running efficiently! Tell us a little about yourself– how did you get started with a career in the construction industry
HGC’s Vision to be the Best
With the market adjusting to a post-pandemic normal, construction technology continuing to evolve and the demands of the industry rising, site-developers like HGC are being forced to adapt or risk being left behind. To be better prepared for the unknown, our leadership team proactively took a step back, as
HGC Teammate Spotlight: Bryan Moffitt, Business Development Manager
In our first Teammate Spotlight, we sat down with our Business Development Manager, Bryan Moffitt, to talk about challenges, culture and how to build a project around an eagle’s nest. Tell us about your background and how you got to HGC. BM: I received my B.S in Business Administration and Economics from
The HGC Academy
At HGC, Best is Standard. Which is why we are proud to announce our latest project – the HGC Academy! Our brand new, state-of-the-art facility was designed specifically to help us continue to be the best site-developer in the Carolinas. With over 20,000 square feet of flexible space, the HGC Academy is
Growth, Lessons, and Leadership in Construction
Earlier this year, we shared with you our vision for recruitment and development as we continue to strategically plan for growth, new technology, and increased capabilities as a company. As we open 2021, we want to share an update on our progress from 2020 (as well as an exciting announcement!). HGC Leade
Building a Charlotte Company on Core Values
Sometimes values, mottos, and other standards may be created simply for appearances or marketing, but that’s not the case for HGC. For us, our core values extend beyond something we put on our website – they shape everything about our company culture and frame how we continually work on building a
Doing What it Takes During COVID-19
Listed as a COVID-19 essential business, Hoopaugh Grading Company has been able to continue operating throughout the Charlotte region to help keep projects on schedule and meet deadlines for our clients. Despite any challenge we have faced throughout our history, we know that honest and transparent communi
Charlotte Construction Industry Gives Back to Local Family
At Hoopaugh, we take pride in doing what it takes for our clients, trade partners and for those throughout our community. As we help to build the Carolinas through our day-to-day business operations, we understand that growth and development often starts by helping those right in our own backyard. HGC was r
Stability in Charlotte Construction
After over six and a half decades of experience, HGC has worked to develop a few ways to help grow and thrive despite unexpected external conditions. The current health crisis facing our state, nation, and world is certainly intimidating. However, preparation, clear communication, and adhering to our core